Giving Thanks for the Corps’ Newest Members!
Your Association sponsored a Thanksgiving Lunch for the 212th Officer Basic Course on Wednesday, 25 November 2020. With 128 students, this OBC is one of the biggest in years and has faced numerous challenges engendered by the COVID19 pandemic. From delayed Bar Exams to limits on travel, resident instruction, and interaction with classmates and faculty, the 212th has overcome everything with a resilience and esprit that is a tribute to their class and also to the Corps they have joined! To honor this Class Spirit, the Association sponsored the lunch to enable a JAG Family Holiday celebration and to give thanks for the officers of the 212th and their service, despite travel restrictions that were required for the class. The event was hosted by the Dean and faculty, similar to the mess hall Thanksgiving tradition at many posts. The students were served in a socially distanced and safe manner, and then spread around the building to distanced tables where they could safely enjoy their meal with classmates. The Association specifically wants to commend CPT Grace Smitham and CW2 Mike Hayes, the Student Detachment Commander and Executive Officer for planning and executing an exceptional event that will create a fond memory of the LCS for these newest members of our illustrious Corps! Reverentia Legum!